Issue 17
Welcome back!
It’s been over a year since we went on hiatus. A lot has changed since then, mostly for the better. I’m so glad I’m finally in a place where I could bring Prismatica back. It meant the world to me getting to publish such talented authors’ work and I missed it dearly.
A major change that happened is our staff. Over the last year, most of our readers and editors have gone on to positions with other lit mags, or have moved on to other things in their life. To them, I will be eternally grateful for the time we shared together. I am also grateful for our returning senior editor, Olivia Mitchem, who immediately said yes when told Prismatica was coming back. Further, I’m grateful for our new staff, all of which being former contributors to the mag! If anyone knows what it means to be part of Prismatica, it’s them. So join me in welcoming Briar Ripley Page as our new junior editor, along with Sarah Cavar and Bankston Creech as our new readers.
Now onto the issue! This issue’s theme, Return, is admittedly a little on the nose. Prismatica is returning and we wanted to celebrate this through this ongoing theme. When I put out the call for submissions, I’ll admit, I was nervous. This is a magazine that had been inactive for over a year and change. Would people even still care? Did people want Prismatica back? Surely there were now LGBTQ sci-fi and fantasy mags that had taken our place (when we started, finding one solely dedicated to the LGBTQ community was a hard task). While there are certainly ones that are now up and running, some run by previous contributors to Prismatica, we were welcomed back with open arms and had so many amazing submissions. To our newest contributors, thank you for the time and energy you put in to your work and to working with us. To our readers, we hope you enjoy the poetry and short stories our team has put together for you. We are all so proud of the work featured in our first issue back.
From your EIC,
Annaelise Montez
Content warnings:
“pistil” & “the depths of a memory”: rape mention
all fours
By: Amy Nagopaleen - 6.7k words
Cover Art
Izzy Singer (she/they) is an illustrator from NYC. Izzy encourages weirdness and baptizes their art by moonlight. Too see more please visit or follow @izzybleep on instagram and Twitter.